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Upholding professional standards - diversity monitoring - corporate report 2021/22

Our detailed annual report covering ethnicity, sex, age and disability monitoring as it relates to our enforcement processes.

Authorising the profession - corporate report 2021/22

Our annual look at key trends and patterns in authorisation - the point where solicitors must meet the required professional standards.

Upholding professional standards - corporate report 2021/22

Our annual report that details the enforcement work involved in regulating 160,000 practising solicitors and 9,500 law firms.

Lasting powers of attorney and deputyships: thematic review

The challenges facing the lasting powers of attorney (LPA) and deputyships sector which is growing in popularity and demand.

Overrepresentation of Black, Asian and minority ethnic solicitors in reports to the SRA: literature review

The SRA has seen an overrepresentation of solicitors from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds in our enforcement processes and commissioned independent research into the societal and structural factors behind this.

Quality indicators in legal services pilot project report

Our research into consumers researching legal providers online identifies a clear distinction between levels of engagement with review websites versus price comparison tools.

Unbundled services pilot: final report

We have conducted a pilot exercise in family law to see if the availability of unbundling in legal services could be increased, allowing more consumers to get the legal help they need.

Understanding the unreserved market

We commissioned research into the unreserved legal market - commonly used services include wills, housing, family and employment law.

The factors influencing differences in outcomes by ethnicity in legal professional assessments: A systematic literature review

This report is a summary of the first phase of our research to better understand the reasons differences in professional assessment outcomes by ethnicity. It also sets out the next steps for the second phase.

SQE Quality Assurance Annual Report 2021-22

The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) is a single assessment for all aspiring solicitors. We introduced the SQE to give assurance of consistent, high standards at the point of admission.