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Education and training authorisation and monitoring activity September 2020 - August 2021

This SRA annual report details the quality assurance activity in relation to education and training of solicitors. It covers the period 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021 .

Gender Pay Gap report 2022

The gender pay gap report of the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA), the regulatory body for solicitors in England and Wales - reporting up to April 2022.

Ethnicity Pay Gap report 2022

The ethnicity pay gap report of the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) - the regulatory body for solicitors in England and Wales. Although there is no statutory requirement to publish ethnicity pay gap data we have chosen to do so for the second year running.

SRA workforce senior ethnicity inclusion action plan

To drive the systematic change we want to see we will learn from best practice, working with leaders and experts in this area to identify how to increase diversity in our senior team.

Immigration and asylum thematic review

The SRA has carried out a thematic review to better understand the challenges facing users and providers of immigration and asylum legal services.

Anti-Money Laundering annual report 2021-22

Money laundering is not a victimless crime. It is a blight on our economy, on our society and on the lives of many often vulnerable individuals. Our annual Anti Money Laundering (AML) report details our work in this area and highlights key information on specific areas of our AML work for the 2021-22 fiscal year.

Review of first sitting of SQE2

The SQE2 written and oral exams were held for the first time in April 2022.

Pregnancy and maternity in the legal workplace

This report forms part of our suite of equality, diversity and inclusion resources for the profession. Although this report focuses on pregnancy and maternity leave, it also touches on paternity leave, and shared parental leave.

Workforce progress report 2021

Welcome to our 2021 SRA staff diversity report. Our report offers information about our staff and the initiatives we have taken during the year to make sure we have a diverse and inclusive workforce and a workplace that reflects our values.

Welcome to our suite of corporate reporting for the 2020/21 year

We have published separate but connected reports on Authorisation, Client Protection, Education and Training and our enforcement work (published under the title: Upholding Professional Standards) for the financial year from 1 November 2020 to 31 October 2021.