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Approval of role holders - Guidance

How we approve persons to be managers, owners or compliance officers of firms we regulate.

Does your interest in a licensed body require approval? - Guidance

An overview of our approach in determining whether a particular role or interest a person has in licensed body requires approval.

Multi-disciplinary practices: Regulation of non-reserved legal activity - Guidance

To help you understand how we will regulate reserved and non- reserved legal activity in an MDP.

SRA consumer credit - Guidance

To help SRA authorised firms involved in credit related regulated activities understand the application of Part 20 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

Granting authority to withdraw residual client balances - Guidance

To help you understand how we make decisions to grant authorisation to a firm to withdraw residual client balances over £500.

Taking money for your firm's costs - Guidance

For all SRA-authorised firms and individuals that receive money and assets from clients and third parties and use that money to pay fees and disbursements.

Planning for and completing an accountant's report - Guidance

Advice to help reporting accountants and a firm’s senior managers/ COFA prepare for and complete an accountant’s report and statutory reporting obligations to us.

Firm closure due to financial difficulties - Case studies

These case studies should be read in conjuction with the guidance on Firm closures due to financial difficulties

Investment schemes - Warning notice

This warning notice sets out the dangers of becoming involved in and facilitating dubious investment schemes.

Firm closures due to financial difficulties - Guidance

This guidance sets out our approach and the support we can provide to firms which are experiencing financial or other difficulties that threaten their ability to carry on trading.

Conflicts of interest - Guidance

To help you to understand your obligations in relation to conflicts.

Unsolicited approaches (advertising) to members of the public - Guidance

To explain that although advertising to the public is permitted under our rules, subject to certain conditions, you must also consider your wider obligations under applicable law.

Q&As on the ban of personal injury referral fees - Guidance

Sets out common Q and As on the ban on referral fees in personal injury actions introduced by the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012.

On-site investigations (inspections) - Guidance

To help you understand how we make the decision to conduct an on-site inspection and what is expected from you.

Statement of our position regarding firms operating a client’s own account - Guidance

Understand in what circumstances under Rule 10 of the SRA Accounts Rules you can operate a client’s own personal bank account as signatory.

Offensive communications - Warning notice

This warning notice explains the importance of making sure that your communications are always professional, lawful and do not cause offence.

Tax avoidance your duties - Warning notice

This reminds those advising clients about their tax affairs about the importance of understanding their regulatory obligations.

Making payments from the SRA Compensation Fund - Guidance

To help you understand how we decide when to make a payment from the SRA Compensation Fund.

Adequate and appropriate indemnity insurance - Guidance

To help you understand your requirement to take out and maintain professional indemnity insurance that provides adequate and appropriate cover in respect of services you provide.

Offering inducements to potential clients or clients - Guidance

Understand your professional obligations and the issues you need to consider before offering inducements to existing or prospective clients.