Capita Plc
Not regulated by an approved regulator for legal services
- Head office address
- London View contact details
- SRA number
- 809441
- Regulatory record
- See records of the people in this practice
We do not regulate this organisation but it appears in our register because there are SRA-regulated people who work here. You can see a list of the SRA-regulated people in this organisation below.
Important information
- This organisation is not regulated to provide reserved legal activities
- We do not set rules about insurance for this organisation
- If things go wrong and your money is lost, our compensation fund will not be able to reimburse you
- If things go wrong we may be able to get your documents and money back
- The SRA-regulated people in this practice must follow our rules
These are the SRA-regulated people in this organisation.
Amy Margaret Lovell-Odone
SRA-regulated solicitor
Works at Capita Plc
Christian Davies
SRA-regulated solicitor
Works at Capita Plc
Laurie Ruth Jefferies
SRA-regulated solicitor
Works at Capita Plc
Lisa Jane Kingston
SRA-regulated solicitor
Works at Capita Plc
Mark Richard Burnell
SRA-regulated solicitor
Works at Capita Plc
Matthew Paul Price
SRA-regulated solicitor
Works at Capita Plc
Minal Patel
SRA-regulated solicitor
Works at Capita Plc + 1 Others
Richard James Stewart
SRA-regulated solicitor
Works at Capita Plc
Sana Shahida Afzal-Ali
SRA-regulated solicitor
Works at Capita Plc
Stacey Barney Attaway
SRA-regulated solicitor
Works at Capita Plc
There are no disciplinary or regulatory decisions currently published about this firm. Read our decision publication policy.